Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wednesday, May 23rd - the internet gremlins have struck again

My internet connection this morning is virtually non-existent so I've wasted a lot of my morning trying to get to this very spot. But fortunately there's not a lot to write about so it all works out! It's damp out and looks like it has rained a little. It's also 15' but it should rain most of the day and go down to 9' later this afternoon. We expected rain yesterday but it really didn't materialize save for a few tiny showers off and on. For the most part it was a nice, warm day.

On the weekend I was whining (what else is new) about needing a place dug up to plant a garden. Bernie, in his infinite wisdom, (who I'm sure by now hates listening to me whine) pointed out that I had a whole field that was plowed and ready to be planted. Of course it's a few km's away but it would work. So last evening, before it got dark, I took a drive over to check it out, and low and behold, it is indeed a thing of beauty. He was right (of course he was right, he did the work). While there, I was stopped by the Five Houses Road Police Department who wanted to know if I had a 2012 pass for that road. I assured him I did, so he let me stay. Besides he was too busy trying to catch critters to worry much about what I was doing. It seems he's after a skunk, a racoon and another unknown varmint that he's trying to capture. Good luck with that Richard!
Saturday I'm going over there with a rake, and a hoe (which I need to buy first)  and some seeds (which I also need to buy) - and a bucket of bug spray, if last night was any indication, and I'm going to plant me some vegetables!  I'll bring along some stakes and string and mark off the plot I intend to use so he knows where it is. I certainly don't plan on using very much of it. I was looking at the corner on the front where the bunky proudly stood, but because of the trees, I'm probably better to go to the other edge, closer to Richard's property (with the mini home on it) because that spot will get more sun.  I'm really not a gardener, did I mention that? So I don't how successful this endeavor will be but if nothing else, it will be a learning experience. And isn't that what it's all about?

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