Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday, May 10th - not so frosty this morning

This morning it's +3' instead of the -3' it was yesterday morning. But it was sunny and much milder in the afternoon yesterday so hopefully it will be the same today. We should reach 10' again today.

It's a slow news day today. I had good intentions of getting outside and doing all kinds of things last night but I ended up on the phone for over an hour with our satellite company to clear up a  billing error. In the end I may have come out the winner. (or at least they made me feel like I had, and that's what it's all about, isn't it)

So when I finally got off the phone, I pulled my push mower out of the shed to see if I could get it to start. By some stroke of luck, it started on the first pull. This enables me to just cut the grass around the back and side of the house. It's not really in great need of cutting but some spots are a little longer so  I just want to even it out before Saturday. Then I decided to try starting the BBQ. I had dragged it out a week or so ago but hadn't actually started it. Same thing, started right away. Needless to say, I was quite pleased. I had taken a small piece of pork tenderloin out of the freezer in the morning and marinated it in some Hoisin sauce for the day, so on to the grill it went. The first BBQ of the season has officially taken place! 

Other than that, I watched a couple of programs on line, then was just doing up some dishes when Brenda happened by. She was on her way somewhere and happened to be in the neighbourhood. So we had a cup of tea and the last two Stroopwafels that were still in my cupboard. She has a busy few days ahead - bus driving today and tulip truck driving tomorrow and Friday. I had stopped by her house on my way home to see when the sticker on my bike runs out. It turns out it's good until July. I was going to suggest we meet somewhere for coffee before she heads to Nova Scotia until she told me she has to leave at 3:30 in the morning, so I decided that coffee could wait till some other time. That's a little TOO early, even for me, a morning person. 

She talked to Bernie yesterday and they had left Toronto but still had a stop to make in Ottawa. It would be late in the day by the time they hit the road. If they push right through, like she expects they will, they should be home later today sometime or more likely this evening. 

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