Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday, May 16th - halfway to the long weekend!

It's not raining yet but it is supposed to rain most of the day today. It's 14' at 5:30 am and we'll hit 18' later but with showers most of the day. Good thing, because I really need to do some work inside the house.
Last night I was able to finish the rest of the grass. Now it's all done for the first time. It really does look so much better with the grass mown. There are still a few little spots that need trimming but it was threatening rain when I was finishing up so I thought it best to call it a night. As I was doing the last bits the clouds rolled in big and black and the wind picked up so I hurried to get everything put away before it poured. Then an hour later it had passed right by. But I think we'll be getting some of that rain this morning.

Other than that it was a pretty uneventful evening. I watched some stuff online then read for a little while. My Kobo quit and because it was still under warranty they sent me a new one and it arrived yesterday. I was able to re-load a book I had just started reading when it died so now I can finish it. I find I'm reading a lot more with it because it's just so convenient. I can carry it in my purse and anytime I find myself waiting somewhere I can just pull it out and read a couple of pages. I really missed that while I didn't have it.

I talked to Lloyd yesterday and he and the boys were heading out to go golfing. I hope they know Lloyd doesn't golf! He finds it a very frustrating game and really doesn't enjoy it at all. But if the others aren't too serious at playing it should be fine. I doubt that any of them are really that dedicated to the sport. They're just there for the good time. He tellls me the weather was warm but not too hot so very comfortable and they've eaten way too much already. Why does that not surprise me?? Sounds like a good time is being had by all.

Speaking of a good time, anyone who knows me well knows that house work is not my forte. If another opportunity comes along to do something a little more interesting, I'm all over it. I can do it when I need to but it's just not always high on my list of priorities. I've occasionally wondered about one of those robo vacuums that goes around and cleans the floor during the day while you're away and whether or not they might be a good idea. Katy sent me this clip that pretty much verifies that it might not be a great thing, especially if you have pets... check it out

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