Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The original PEI Sound and Light Show !

Conditions at 7:00 am - pouring rain and 16*
Expected later - mix of sun and cloud and 20*

I was rudely awakened this morning by a HUGE clap of thunder at exactly 3:12 am. What a storm. It didn't last long but the thunder and lightening was mighty intense. I thought about getting up and watching outside as I'm sure it was quite the light show. But instead, I stayed snug in my bed. Cooper's not normally afraid of storms, but he was sleeping on the other bed and I heard him whine a little then he came and got up on the bed with me. I guess he just needed to be beside someone.

I think I'm finally caught up on my sleep. Monday afternoon, when I got home, I had a lengthy nap, then picked up the dog. Brenda called and invited me to join her and the boys for supper, as Bernie's on his way to Ontario for Friday the 13th. So needless to say, not much got done that night. But last night I got most of the grass cut, I just have the very back field to do, and of course, cut around the big trees with the push mower and then do the trimming. I hope to get that all done before the weekend so I can spend the majority of Saturday splitting wood. I'm making good progress on it and now I just want to motor through it and get it done.

I had a job interview yesterday morning for another position I saw advertised. I still haven't heard back from the first one I interviewed for, but I'm trying to make sure I have something. The second job doesn't pay as much per hour, but it's more hours and the end result is the same amount of money at the end of the day, and even though it's quite a bit less than I'm now making, I feel confident I can manage on it. There won't be a lot of extravagant purchases , but I think I'll still be able to enjoy myself from time to time!

Speaking of enjoying myself, Brenda and I have several plays to attend this summer. On Thursday we are going to St. Peter's to see "The Village Idiot", a play co-written by Margie Carmicheal. I was reading some information on line yesterday and it looks like it will be a lot of fun. Then there's "The Last Resort", which Linda highly recommended and "Hairspray". It's going to be a busy few weeks. Of course in all of that, we really need to start walking to prepare for the Terry Fox run as well.

When Nancy was here, she mentioned that they were having trouble getting connected to my blog so I sent another link to Stuart. I think she must have gotten it, as yesterday there was a visitor from Baltimore, Maryland. Coincidence? I think not!

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