Conditions at 7:00 am - sunny and 15*
Expected later - 23* and sunny but lots of rain overnight
Okay, we actually went out for a walk last night. Brenda's been doing MUCH b
Just in case anyone wants to visit my site, here is the link.
Please feel free to make a small donation while you are there. I have another $275 to raise. If 28 people were to donate $10 each, I'd surpass my goal. Please consider being one of those VERY special people.
Okay enough begging - it's a beautiful sunny morning and the sun is just coming up over the river. I'm still at home as I have an appointment at 9:00 so don't have to go in so early. So I'm enjoying my coffee and some toast in the comfort of my pj's. But I need to soon get my act together and get ready for work.
Today is my last day at UPEI. I feel like another chapter of my life is over. There seems to have been a lot of those in the past year or so, but when one door closes, another opens, and I know it will all work out. The girls at work are taking me out for a drink after work tonight, then I'm meeting Brenda and Bernie in town and we're going to Victoria to see Wingfield Farm. I've never seen any of these plays so I'm really looking forward to it.
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