Monday, August 30, 2010

Conditions at 7:00 am - sunny and 20*
Expected later - 25* and more sun!

I can't believe it's Monday again already! I guess I'll have to get used to having a shortened weekend. Working on Saturday will do that.
My weekend started with Brenda meeting me at Home Depot on Friday after work. She was having a bad day so we planned to go into town for a beer later to make it all better! By the time we got the cupboards loaded on the truck they still hadn't found the toe kicks I'd ordered so Brenda left to pick up groceries and I stayed to wait. Finally they were found and I was able to load them in the car. When I got home Brenda called to say she was stopping at home before coming here. When she arrived later, she brought reinforcements with her. Bernie helped us unload the cabinets and was willing to help install the legs (unlike my other cabinets, these have legs) but alas, the screws were missing. So instead, we sat down and had a drink. Bernie had to settle for rye, as we are all out of rum. Maybe that situation will be remedied on the weekend. By the time we finished our drink, we didn't feel like going into town, so they left and I unpacked the cabinets.

I got up early Saturday morning and did some laundry, and tidying up and got my stuff all ready to take to town. I was working at the Stratford liquor store from 12:00 to 8:30. Before I went to sample wine, I stopped in at the Home Hardware and picked up screws for the legs on the cabinets, then off to try some wine.

When I got there, they were ever so pleased that I had brought absolutely everything I needed with me. All they had to do was supply the wine. My new table works brilliantly and the stool made it much easier. I alternated between sitting and standing, but it was still a long time to be in one spot. But it was much better than last week. I think I did okay. I'm not sure what constitutes a successful day but I sold a total of 14 bottles of wine, based on people's tasting. I guess I'll find out soon when I send my stats to Chris. Brenda stopped by to visit while I was there, but her day wasn't going any better than the day before. She's had a small incident with her bike, but thankfully she wasn't hurt - just a bruised knee and some slightly ripped jeans. I talked to her later in the evening and she was just getting out of a hot bath, soaking away some aches and pains. I'm a huge believer in the restorative powers of a hot bath!

Sunday morning dawned bright and sunny, but with a very heavy dew. I knew it would be a while until I could cut the grass, so I spent some time putting the legs on the cupboards and getting them all set up. It's BRILLIANT! It gives my kitchen so much more functionality. I love it! It will be even better when there's a counter top on it. Right now I have the piece of marble on one end and a double layer of cardboard on the other. I was going to include a picture today, but I think I'll wait till it's totally finished! I baked some cookies last night just to try out the flow and it works great! I'm going to drop some off with a thank you note to the staff at UPEI this morning on my way to work.

After coffee and fresh from the oven blueberry muffins at Brenda's, I spent all Sunday afternoon cutting the lawn but it was a lovely warm sunny day, a great day to be working outside. With any luck, we should soon be done with cutting the grass. It's not growing as quickly now, as it was over the summer.

I picked up a couple of mouse traps on Saturday, as the resident rodents are starting to become a bit of an irritation. The first night I set them, the cheese I put on them was gone but the traps were not set off. Needless to say, I was a little annoyed. These were not your usual traps - they are supposed to be "a better mouse trap" and cost considerably more than the standard variety ($6.00 for two, as opposed to $1.00 for two of the old style). So last night I smeared the trap portion with peanut butter and success at last! When I got up this morning both traps contained a dead mouse. I'll keep setting them and see just how many I actually can catch.


  1. Congratulations on your hunting success. Are you telling me you actually killed something. We had a great day yesterday and met Bernie's cousins in town last night and had supper at Peakes This morning Bernie is fixing my bike and we will be off for a tour today. Maybe even a beach. It is that warm.
    Note to Loyd. I was reading about you in The Guardian this morning. No names given but on the Island that isn't necessary. For the future. Us Islanders try to keep out of the paper. Welcome to PEI

  2. Congrats! I've tried to kill mice with those new Ortho Max Kill traps and they never ever work. It is so frustrating...I'll have to figure out what you are using now haha

    They are called Intruder - The Better Mousetrap. The second time they worked great! The first time I put a piece of hard cheese on each one but I think it was too easily just plucked off. I got them at Home Hardware. We'll see how it goes tonight!

  4. Dear Anonymous
    I didn't read the paper today so I DO home you will keep it and share with me. You've peaked my curiosity now!
