Expected later - 24* and more sun!
What a wonderfu
I called Brenda and she came over a little later and brought a bottle of wine with her (I was out!). We had a lovely time just sitting around the kitchen table talking. I was so glad that Brenda came over. Now when I talk to Nancy and mention Brenda, she'll know who I'm talking about, and vise versa.
Nancy brought lots of pictures of her kids and grandkids and it was so nice to see them. I only met Brooke once and it was when she was a tiny baby, and Meghan was just about a year old. They've all grown up so much. It's amazing how that's happened when neither of us has aged at all!!!
It's great how well things worked out. Suzanne was supposed to arrive yesterday but I got an email from her yesterday morning telling me she was delayed getting across the border (she went through the states) and she wasn't likely to get here till Tuesday. I confirmed with her via blackberry at 6:00 that they were not arriving yesterday, so I had a wonderful opportunity to just visit with Nancy Now tonight Suzanne and Jacob and I can have a bonfire if the weather is still great, which I suspect it will be. It will be nice but a different kind of visit. It just all worked out so perfectly!
We left the house a little before 7:00 and Nancy followed me to Stratford and I showed her where to turn to get onto the Trans Canada highway, that Brenda says will take her all the way to the ferry. I've never gone that way, I've only gone through Montague. It's a little quicker that way from my house, but the highway would be much more direct and easy for her to find her way. When we stopped in Stratford for me to say goodbye, she commented on how lovely the drive was and I told her it was my normal morning commute, and I truly am lucky! It's a marked difference from the scenery Lloyd has on HIS morning commute!
When Brenda was over, she mentioned that Bernie and Raymond are going to Dover, Ontario next week for Friday the 13th bike event. Lloyd has never been, although our brother in law, Kim, has been. He's never been inclined to go but he's thinking about it now. I really think he should go, I think the three of them would have a great time.
I booked my flight yesterday and with any luck I will be in Toronto on Thursday a little after 3:00 in the afternoon. At this point, there are 9 open seats and 4 stand by's ahead of me so we'll keep our fingers crossed. If that doesn't work, there's another flight later in the day.
Well, I'd better go, I'm a little later this morning getting into town.
You are just having too much fun.