Friday, August 6, 2010

Welcome to hot, humid Toronto

Yesterday morning when I was at work, Brandi and I were listening to a Toronto radio station (CHUM FM) and they gave the current weather - 31* and humid. Brandi just looked at me and said "Are you nuts??" I told her yes, probably.

She drove me to the airport to catch my flight and I've never seen the Charlottetown staff quite so frazzled. There were 7 families with babies under a year old, little kids were everywhere. Trying to position them all on the plane was apparently an issue. Not to mention all the strollers, etc. And, they were all those big giant ones that take up a huge amount of space, even when they're folded.
Then there was an older lady in a wheelchair, and they have this huge machine they have to bring over to get her on the plane, a portable elevator of sorts that they drive over to the door. They strapped her in her chair, then the chair is rolled into this big white box like piece of equipment that has a ramp coming out the other side. When she is lifted up, the ramp is placed across to the doorway and she's rolled on. Needless to say all this takes a bit of time so the departure time was soon passed. They were almost all set to go, when the desk agent saw my name come up. He'd almost forgotten about standby's and I was the only one. So I was quite lucky not to get overlooked. I was in the middle of the plane, and all the babies were sitting behind me. In their infinite wisdom. the crew decided to put them all together. Only trouble with that is, when one cried, they ALL cried. It was just a loud din of crying babies, and I thought to myself, this is going to be a very long flight. But fortunately they pretty much stopped once we got up in the air and going, only to start again as we landed. I felt very badly for those poor parents, because there's really nothing you can do in that situation.

Once we landed in Ottawa, I only had about a 10 minute wait till we started boarding the next plane, and I already had a seat on that one. I landed on schedule in Toronto at 3:00 and Lloyd was there to pick me up.

We headed straight to Patti's when we got back to Guelph as she was on her way out for her yearly camping trip with her dads family. We spent about a half hour with Patti and the kids. I gave Meghan and Tristen their quilts for their upcoming birthdays and they seemed to really like them. Both insisted on taking them camping with them.

James had a baseball game last night so he stayed behind and Lloyd and I drove him to the ballpark and met Greg there. Patti's aunt Jean, and cousin Jennifer were playing ball in Guelph last night as well, so they planned to pick James up and take him to the camping site with them. Greg was staying in Guelph to work on Friday.

I would have liked to stay and watch the game but I was starving. I'd picked up a bagel on my way to work in the morning and that's all I'd had to eat all day. We went to Borealis Grill as planned. We started off with a three cheese dip that was really good, then I had a smoked grilled duck breast that was absolutely delicious and Lloyd had the marinated rack of lamb, which was also very good. We really enjoyed out meal but were too full for dessert.

On the way home we stopped at the grocery store and I picked up what I needed for breakfast this morning. It will be a white cake with a whipped cream filling with fresh Ontario peaches, sprinkled with blueberries. If I'd had more time (and if I'd thought of it) I would have gone out back and picked a small container of berries to bring with me.

So, now I'm just waiting for the cake to bake, then I've got time to catch up on Mad Men before I head to the office for breakfast.

Lloyd was a little bit pleased that Patti's crew were going to be away - he said, good then I get you all to myself. So I think we may head out early tomorrow morning and go to Niagara for the day and maybe sample some wine!


  1. Oh Gosh! Sample wine How Awful!!

  2. It's a nasty job but someone has to do it!
