Friday, August 27, 2010

Happy Birthday MEGHAN (2)

Conditions at 7:00 am - 18* and a mix of sun and cloud
Expected later - 23* and more sun and cloud but it's going to be a great weekend!

I started my new job yesterday, only to learn that the girl I'm replacing has already left, so in retrospect, I could have taken a couple of days off before starting, but it's okay. I just did phones and shuttle driving yesterday. It was bucketing down rain ALL day so that wasn't so great, so it's going to be even better today.

There's one little bonus I never could have imagined there being. I was walking up the stairs to the accounting office when I first got there, and there was a radio station being broadcast throughout the building. Much to my delight, it's via satellite and it's CHUM FM - what a treat to hear Roger and Marilyn in the morning. Brandi and I had started listening to it in the spring so it's nice to still hear it. I like the station and it keeps me up to date on the weather and any news out of Toronto.

One of the best things about my new job is the staff - they are ALL men, except for Abby in HR. Over the years if I've learned anything, it's that men are much easier to work with than women. Several of them are older, closer to my age, so you can actually have a conversation with them, not to mention several of them ride motorcycles, so how bad can they be?

I met the owner briefly as he doesn't usually spend much time there during the day, but he seems nice enough. His wife does payroll, but she wasn't in yesterday, so we haven't met yet.

After work yesterday, I stopped by Home Depot in hopes of bringing home some of my cabinets. I seriously underestimated how much room was in my car. I'm used to driving a hatch back and it's amazing what you can fit into those. Alas, not the same with the four door sedan. So Brenda, if it works out for her, will meet me in town today after work with a truck and we'll try this again.

Last night I was really tired, as I think I've not slept well for a few nights, just the whole job transition thing, keeping me away. I sat down to watch Law and Order at 8:00 and I think I saw the first ten minutes of it, then the next thing I knew the closing credits were rolling. So much for that idea. So I went to bed at 9:00 and sometime later, Lloyd called to find out how my first day went. Fortunately I was able to get back to sleep easily and slept soundly till about 1o to 5, which was great as my alarm was set for 5:00.

Before I go, a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Meghan(2). She's 8 years old today! Have a great day Meg, if you read this! I'll try calling her later this morning.
(Meghan, copy and paste the following information into your computer - there's a fun story about a cake shaped like a horse that you might enjoy.)

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