Monday, January 10, 2011

Jan 10th - Lebanese New Year

Conditions at 5:15 am -  1' and windy and overcast
Expected later - staying windy and 1' with a mix of rain and snow

What odd weather we're having. Yesterday Brenda called to say she had just been out for a tour around the yard on her skis and it wasn't too sticky. By the time she got to my house, it was raining. But we ventured out anyway and it turned to snow so we
got a bit of a run in after all. We went down the road to the Dromore Trails
and we followed the path of some snowshoers who had been there earlier. But it wasn't an easy trip and I must admit I'm feeling it this morning. That combined with filling up the wood rack ( which was empty) has made for a few stiff muscles this morning. When we got back here, we went for a short jaunt down the back lane but coming back it was quite windy with almost sleet like precipitation.
Fortunately we hadn't gone too far. We truly earned the hot chocolate and Bailey's we enjoyed when we got back.

:Lots of snow now
Friday night we curled (and won!). While I was waiting for Brenda to pick me up, Scott emailed me a picture of Lloyd and the Thai chef who was at the after Christmas party at the Pollards. He had called me in the afternoon to tell me he had been invited to join everyone. I called him back and left the message that he wasn't  THAT special - it's an age old trick: invite the neighbours to the party then they can't complain about the noise! I called the house before leaving and it sounded like they were having a grand time. Sorry I missed it - that particular event has always been fun. 

Earlier in the week,  I was invited to attend the Lebanese New Years Levee at the Delta. Then on Saturday Sharon called to see if I knew anyone who might want to go as there had been a cancellation at our table. So I called Brenda from work to see if she might be interested. She hesitated for half a second then said "Sure". So after work, I came home and got ready then I picked her up around 6:30. She was thinking she didn't have anything to wear, but she managed to pull it off with a dress she'd worn to a wedding in the summer. Sharon  had indicted that people got really dressed up for this event. We arrived early, a little after 7:00 and met Sharon in the lobby. I had worked with her at the University and it turns out that Brenda knew her sister really well a long time ago. We were introduced to some of Sharon's friends just as Tracey and Darryl arrived. We had a glass of wine and then the doors opened. We went inside and found ourtable. We expected to find the table number on it but instead it had a large holder with Sharon's name on it so she was quite impressed with that! The evening began with some short speeches from various dignitaries including the the Lieutenant Governor and the Premier. Then we watched a very talented Belly Dancer perform as well as some Lebanese folk dancers. The meal wasn't being served until 10:00 and I didn't realize I hadn't mentioned that fact to Brenda. The poor woman was starving by the time we got to eat. We noticed that a  lot of people didn't arrive until around 9:30 so it seems they only come for the meal. It was an interesting night and we're glad we went. Brenda has heard about this event for years and has always wanted to go. While we enjoyed it we both agreed that once was enough. If we want Lebanese food, there are several restaurants in town that serve the same thing. But the company was good and we had a nice time.
Sharon sent me some photos but I wasn't able to copy any to put here.

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