Tuesday, January 11, 2011

You'll all call me crazy, but it's a long time dream

Conditions at 5:15 - overcast and windy at 1'
Expected later - the same 1' but with a mix of sun and cloud

Yesterday I was poking around on the internet and came across something I'd wanted for a very long time (since the 70's at least). It must have been meant to be because it was an amazing price, and it was here in Charlottetown. So I emailed the person to see if they still had said item, and they emailed back and said yes. So on my way out to pick someone up I stopped by her house to take a look. It's quite large but I know just where I'm going to put it. It's a weaving loom.  This lady has had it for some time but she also does machine knitting and has an internet company doing custom sweaters. She has the loom in her basement along with all her knitting stuff but has gotten so busy with the knitting orders that she has no time for weaving and needs the space to bring in another knitter to help fill orders. She also happens to play the part of Rachel Lind at Avonlea Village in the summer (except one day a week, she's Marilla.)  So today I'm taking the truck into work so I can pick it up.It does come apart for easier transport. Weaving is something I have always wanted to try. When I first met Rosie at the university I discovered that she has a loom and I've seen some of the things that she has made and they are absolutely gorgeous. So yesterday afternoon I was very excited. I know it will be a bit of a learning curve to actually get to where I can make something useful but she has the directions on how to put it all together and she recommended a book that is excellent. I researched the book when I got back to the showroom and it is very highly recommended as a great resource to learn how to weave. So I went online and found the book and it should be here within 10 days.

I'm looking forward to spending my winter evenings doing something other than parking myself in front of the TV. I'll still be parked in front of something but at least it will be somewhat constructive.  There is a spinners and weavers guild here on the island and I'm going to contact them to see if they have any classes of any kind coming up that I might be able to take part in. I'm very excited!

1 comment:

  1. I thought you were going to get back to scrap booking this winter after you put so much time into reorganizing your craft room. ha Ha . I will run up after supper to help you get it into the house and set up.
