Friday, January 14, 2011

What a difference 12 hours can make

Conditions at 5:15 am - overcast and 0'
Expected later -flurries and remaining at 0'

What a strange day yesterday. In the morning we had 18 cm of new snow (Summerside got 27 cm). The drive to work was slow as the road was quite slippery in spots and I followed more tractors with snow blowers on,  than cars! Then later in the morning it started raining a really fine rain. By the end of the day all the snow was gone from the parking lot at work (it had been plowed in the morning but what was left was also gone) and the roads were completely clear. It snowed a little last night but nothing to get very excited about. So much for our snow day!

Good old Brenda. She never ceases to amaze me. Whatever resource I might be looking for, she has one. She called last night to tell me she had spoken to a woman in our area who has at least 3 looms and is more than willing to come over and have a look at the one I have and see if we can figure out how to put it together. Brenda also told her I will likely want to go to her place for a visit as well to see what she has set up. There is also a very active Weavers and Spinners guild in town that I knew existed but had no idea whom to contact. Nice work Brenda!

I have to admit I just vegged last night. I caught up on some TV programs I had taped before Christmas and finally got those off the list. I was going to do some hand sewing on Lloyd's quilt but I had an open cut right in the middle of my right thumb and it was just in the wrong spot for pushing the needle through. This morning it seems to have closed up so hopefully tonight I can get myself motivated to finish the rest of the quilt. I have to finish this project before I start in earnest on figuring out how to weave. The book I ordered hasn't arrived yet but I did get an email telling me it has been shipped so it should arrive sometime next week.

Brenda is going to start a new fitness group that meets on Saturday mornings at 9:00 so the plan is to meet at  Timothy's for coffee then we can both depart and go do our Saturday morning things ( in my case, it's work). It will be great for her as she can go to the fitness class then go to the farmer's market before heading back home. I'm a little envious! But that day will come for me too.

I came across a quote the other day that has stuck in my head, and is a little thought provoking. It reminded me of all the stories Brenda has told me over the past year and a half about what life was like here on the island before highways and bridges, and I've asked if anyone is writing these things down. I'm sure someone must be but I'd hate to think all these lovely remembrances will be lost one day and someone will say, gee, I wish that had gotten recorded. The quote went like this:

"Teach the children.
When an elder dies,
an entire library burns to the ground"

Food for thought for the day.

Happy Friday everyone!

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