Thursday, January 20, 2011

On to the next project

Conditions at 5:15 am:  light covering of new snow and -4'
Expected later: flurries and it appears we've reached our forecast high for the day

It's more like an elongated lap quilt but it's finished. I'm not sure it's going to be wide enough for what Lloyd wants but his quilt is finished. I finally got my act together last night and finished the binding around the outside.  I just have to remember to take it with me when I go to Toronto. As you can see by the photo, it passes the Cooper test. As soon as I spread it on the floor to take a picture, he came along and plunked himself down on it.
Yesterday it poured rain most of the day. It felt like a day in March rather than one in the middle of January. But  I remember getting rain in February last year. They were getting ready for the Jack Frost Festival and they had to cover everything with tarps so it wouldn't get washed away. Fortunately they haven't gotten that far yet. This year's event has been moved to the big field behind the mall and I go past there several times a day. It will be interesting to see it taking shape. Now I understand why the city has been piling the now there from clearing the streets. Yesterday there were several types of diggers and plow like devices there working away at pushing the mountain of snow that's accumulated around to different areas. I should really take my camera with me to record the progress and see how it turns out, compared to what it once was.
I had emailed the weaving supply place in Orangeville and got a reply yesterday telling me that they would be closed the first week of February for holidays. Fortunately they were able to confirm that they are indeed open the week I'm there. That would have been very disappointing.  I received the book I ordered in the mail a couple of days ago and I've been looking through it but I'll take it with me when I'm traveling. It will be great reading while I'm waiting in airports.
I think I've figured out how it all goes together so the next time Brenda is over we'll take the end off and put in the one piece we missed the last time. Considering we had absolutely no idea what we were doing, I think we did an amazing job of putting it together thus far. And now we know what all the left over pieces are for so it should go well from here.
For those of you who know me, I've been a music fan forever. One of my favorite musicians was Gerry Rafferty. Not a well known name  but I did love the music he did. I just learned that he passed away last week in England. I found this old video of him singing his most well known song, Baker Street. I especially loved the saxophone in this one. What I didn't know, but should have, was that he was in the group Stealers Wheel, who did the song "Stuck in the middle with you". Now that I know that, when I hear the song, and it has been played often on the radio station we get at work, I don't know how I couldn't have known that. He has a pretty distinctive voice and it's unmistakable that it's him singing. A real talent lost at the age of  63.

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